Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


What really got Hayes going when I was pregnant was listing to the announcers for college basketball. He went nuts when we went to the Sweet Sixteen at ARCO. That, combined with his long feet and toes and big hands, makes Dad and Grandpa Ron pretty sure he is going to be a basketball player. Since the NBA is pretty ghetto (sorry, I know that is not PC), we are hoping for NCAA - either Nevada or UCLA of course! To that end, he is already practicing in his johnny jump-up from Grandpa Dave. These days, he is finally getting the hang of it. He practices in this darling outfit from Dave and Paula with a baby size basketball to work on palming. (He is a ways away from that, though). And check out those Converse Allstars!!! What a stud.