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Monday, July 2, 2007

Meika Is Married!

Tom and Hayes and I are all home from our roadtrip to Portland last week. We did a lot of visiting with MeMaw, Dave and Dianne, Bill, Jill and Gabriel, and Andi and Jim Ed. We also attended Meika's wedding which was BEAUTIFUL. The venue was stunning. It is called the Garden Vinyards, soon to be winery, in Hillsboro. The weather could not have been better. Overall, the wedding was perfect but for missing Mikee. I will have other pictures of the trip up soon, but I was too excited to wait to get a picture of Hayes up in his tuxedo. Good thing the pictures came out cute, because the tux was sort of a disaster. First, the "buttons" bled and the whole thing shrunk when I washed it. When Tom and Dianne put it on, they were afraid we were not going to be able to get it off, so Hayes was cut out of it at the end of the night. Second, he totally up-chucked in it on the way home from the wedding. Gross. Guess he drank too much (milk) and danced too long. Anyway, it was cute while it lasted.