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Friday, August 17, 2007

So Hard!

Some mothers of four can keep up their blogs daily and yet I have a hard time getting on here more than twice a month to put up pictures of my one baby! Geeze. We have been on the road a lot this summer in Portland and then Iowa for weddings. I don't have the Iowa pictures on the computer yet, but here are some cute ones from the Portland trip. Hayes had such a good time visiting with cousin Gabriel. I think Gabriel liked him too, but was a little sad with how little Hayes could "play." The pictures are of Grandpa Dave and Hayes staring at Hayes favorite toy of the week, a red mylar balloon, Four Generations of Hays/Harris/Reids, Hayes and one of the flower girls in Meika's wedding, and Gabriel holding Hayes. Hayes was such a good sport during the two twelve hour car rides it took us to get to Portland and back. Now that he has flown to Iowa and back Tom and I swear we will never do that drive again.