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Friday, April 6, 2007

Checking Out of "Hotel Mom"?

Itsy and I had a less than ideal 36-week appointment yesterday. My blood pressure was really high and my feet and ankles were so swollen, I looked like an elephant. Because of that, the doctor kept me at the office for a while, laying down on my left side and checked my blood pressure again about half-an-hour later. By that time, it was down a lot but still "slightly high." I had to go get blood work done to check my liver and kidney function to rule out preeclampsia. The doctor also mentioned that Itsy was already measuring 40 weeks. YIKES! Now I'm off work and resting for the weekend. I have to monitor my blood pressure and go in to Labor & Delivery if it goes back up or if I have any of the other symptoms of preeclampsia. I go back into the doctor first thing on Monday morning to get checked out again. If everything seems fine, I get to go back to work, but they still might do another ultrasound to see how big Itsy really is. The bottom line is that Itsy may be checking out of Hotel Mom a little early.