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Friday, March 30, 2007

Clarification of Terms of Eviction By An Expert

Lest I begin to think my family has much sympathy for my current state, I have recently been put back into place by Bill. Please visit his blog at for a hysterical, and quite true-to-life rebuttal to my last post on Baby Reid's impending eviction. Bill, I have a feeling my parents agree more with you than me. And they would add that the option of a 4-year renewal after the 18-year renewal is optimistic considering Tyler is still at home and turning 24 in two weeks. I wonder how many 4-year renewals are actually allowed? And dare I ask, what, exactly, is a triple-net lease? Thanks for at least sparing me the "This is the easy part" comment. Even though I know that is what everyone is thinking . . .