Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 9, 2007

Stork Tour

Tom and I have finally gone on our "Stork Tour" to check out Mercy Hospital Folsom, where Itsy will be born. It was supposed to be a tour with a bunch of other parents-to-be this evening, but instead we did it by ourselves during our short stay this morning in Labor and Delivery. (I had to get a nonstress test after my doctor's appointment today). Because of the preeclampsia/toxemia that I have "brewing," the doctor does not think we will make it to our due date. In fact, he seems to think Itsy will come in the next week or two. I go back to the doctor on Thursday morning, so maybe we will know more then.

Here is some information for those of you who will be coming to visit us for our upcoming and quick (we hope) stay in Folsom.

The website for the hospital is It is located at 1650 Creekside Drive in Folsom, California. Tom says Itsy's theme song will be the Folsom Prison Blues. I hope not. The main phone number is (916) 983-7400. Just ask for Kathlyn Reid, Katie Reid, or Kate Reid's room. The easiest way to get to the hospital is to take Highway 50 East from Sacramento and exit at the East Bidwell exit, taking East Bidwell to the left over the highway. You will drive quite a ways down E. Bidwell, and then turn right at Creekside Drive. The hospital will be on your right approximately .2 miles.

At the Family Birth Center, visiting hours for labor patients are 24 hours a day. Only Tom and I will be in the delivery room and Krissie will be allowed to come into the room for occasional updates. The hospital is pretty close, and certainly our feelings will not be hurt if everyone chooses to wait at home or the hotel until Itsy actually arrives.

After delivery, visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. One adult support person (yes, Tom, that is you) may (i.e. WILL) stay overnight. All visitors are required to check in at the information desk daily to get a Visitor's Pass.

For those of you who may be around the hospital a lot while we are there, there is a dining room, located on the lower level, that is open to visitors, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. for breakfast; 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for lunch; and 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for dinner. On Saturday and Sunday the dining room is open for breakfast from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.; for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; and is closed for dinner. Vending machines are accessible in the dining room 24 hours a day. There are many many better places to eat around the hospital if you promise either: 1) to bring me something back or 2) not talk to me about how good your meal was. Hehe.

Madeline will be posting baby "stats" and our room number and telephone number as soon as I call her with the details. I have promised not to call her until 10am if it is a weekend, because she is a late bird.

Other rules: No latex balloons. No one with cold or flu symptoms, i.e. coughing, sniffling or fever, will be allowed into the area. Visitors cannot hang around in the hallways. They have to be in our room or one of the three waiting areas (front lobby, dining room, and dining patio).

We will keep you all posted! And Happy 29th Birthday, Alisha! Sorry I missed your birthday party today.