Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Month-to-Month Eviction Notice Served

Baby Reid, Tenant, has 30 days in which said tenant can either gather his or her belongings and vacate the premises, or wait until the final day, after which said tenant will be physically removed from the property. Tenant is being evicted due to a breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the front of the property, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the property were also made. Remodeling and gutting the property was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both upper and lower levels of the property. Also, late night parties have been discovered on the property and are not greatly appreciated! Any further problems will result in immediate removal!