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Friday, September 14, 2007

Looking Back on 30 Years - Well, Mostly Five Months

I have been pretty nostalgic today, it being the last day of my "twenties" and all. As much as I joke about feeling old and how terrible turning 30 seems, I have to say in all honesty that I could not ask for more. I have a wonderful husband, a PERFECT baby, a house and a career that is letting me enjoy it all, and family that is so helpful! When I start feeling 'whelmed, I wonder how young single moms do this. I really have it too easy. Anyway, thank you to all of you. Here's to another 30 wonderful years.

Almost a month has gone by since my last post and Hayes has grown a lot. His doctor would be happy to know he now instantly rolls over from his stomach to his back. Unfortunately, he has no interest in rolling over from his back to his front. I hope that does not mean he will never learn to crawl.

Since the last post, Hayes has been to his first professional sporting event, a Sacramento Rivercats games where he peed on Tom and put his whole arm down Alisha's shirt. He also went swimming for the first time and started chewing on his toes.

Tom and I are now proud owners of a video camera and ipod (technically the ipod is mine - my birthday present from Hayes. Beats the cement mixer from two years ago. However, since Tom is the only one who knows how to put songs on it, I'm sharing.) We bought the video camera because I think it is time to start Hayes on solid food. He really stares at our plates when we are eating. We were trying hard for six months, but I am settling for five. Tom is learing how to use it too, so keep an eye out for a video clip in the future! Here are some pictures in the meantime: