Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

Only good news from the doctor's office on Thursday. Our AFP blood screening test came back normal and Baby Reid's heartbeat was at 150. The size is right on and Baby Reid is now almost one foot long! The only thing that really made me panic was the N.P. warning me that we needed to get signed up for our parenting classes "right away." I still thought we had plenty of time - and then I looked at a calendar. Yikes! The next doctor's appointment is on January 23, 2007, and will be my last monthly appointment. After that, my appointments will only be two weeks apart. In January, I will finally meet the other doctor in the office who could deliver the baby depending on who is on call. Dr. Mary Sterner-Sosa is my main doctor, but Dr. Cragun is the back-up. I will also have to do the glucose screening test for gestational diabetes, which I have heard is nasty.

There's a lot of moving around going on and Baby Reid already seems to be a morning person, which could be a problem for both parents. Of course, Tom doesn't really know the meaning of "morning" anymore.

We have put in our order for the baby furniture that I picked out at Babies 'R Us, a crib, changing table, and dresser. The glider we have picked out takes 10-12 weeks, so we are going to have to order it pretty quick here, too. Krissie and Mom have also been on my case about maternity clothes and now I have jeans, two shirts and a long skirt. I am going to have to do some more shopping soon - I had my first stranger offer me a chair "because of the baby." Clearly my tummy is sticking out more than I am willing to admit.

You will all be happy to know that I have retired my boots and heels. Tom threatened to cut all the heels off my shoes if he catches me wearing them. My fall on Christmas Eve scared him a lot. The baby was fine, and now my knees are doing fine, too. After shopping for maternity clothes, I will be shopping for cute, or at least not ugly, flats.

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year. Tom and I are really excited for 2007!

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