Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 8, 2006

The Chinese Lunar Calendar Says "It's a Boy!"

The Chinese Lunar Calandar is, depending on who you ask, a myth or ancient truth. The lunar-based calendar used to determine your baby's sex was taken from a 700 year old Royal Tomb near Peking, China. The original document is on display at China's Institute of Science. Many thousands of people believe that this calendar is 99% accurate. It's based on the month a baby is conceived not the birth month. The second factor is the mother's age at the time of conception adding 9 months to her age to adjust the calendar. When the mother's age and month of conception are determined, you follow the two coordinates to where they intersect. Blue for a boy, pink for a girl. For me, it intersects at August and 29, which is a blue square! I am not getting my hopes up that we can really decide this way, but it is fun to pretend.

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