Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Hayes!

Can we just pretend that six months haven't gone by since my last post? I am sorry I got behind! Life snowballed and I did not want to move on until I got Thanksgiving and Christmas up and then life got in the way.

In any event, Hayes had a really big event on Friday. He turned one! My baby is just not a baby anymore. He is not walking yet, but very very close. He chats a lot, but his real words are only "Mama," "Dada," and "Mo" (more). Size-wise he is the same as he has been for a while. 90% for height (31.5 inches) and 25% for weight (20 pounds, 11.5 ounces).

Gramma Dianne came down for the big day (weekend) from Portland and Grampa Dave flew in from Colorado. Grandma Klorys and Grandpa Ron, Krissie, Kevin, Tyler and his friend Katie, Great Grandma Happe and Jeanie also celebrated with us. Because rubber duckies are his favorite, we had a rubber duckie themed-party for him. I went all out, of course. Krissie baked an awesome duckie cake. Hayes was not too into smashing the cake, so I had to smear frosting on his face myself. Here are a BUNCH of pictures from the party, starting with his bath to get ready.

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