Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, November 2, 2007

Mama's Little Stinker

Grandma Klorys bought Hayes a pumpkin costume right after Halloween last year when they went on sale. Krissie said it was "lame," which made me feel self-conscious and go on a Halloween costume binge. Hayes ended up with a giraffe, chick, and skunk costume as well. He ended up wearing the skunk out on Halloween night and was the cutest little stinker on the street. We took him trick-or-treating before it got dark to the McCoy's, Donovan's, Carter's and Brown's and he loved chewing on the skittles bags. He wore the pumpkin costume to visit Grandma Happe where the receptionist asked Grandpa Ron if he was supposed to be a carrot. I guess it was a lame costume. Uncle Tyler has promised to lend Hayes his barmaid costume when he is older, but for next year, he is playing on being a scarecrow thanks to Grandma Dianne.

1 comment:

Gramma said...

That's quite the little "stinker"