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Saturday, June 16, 2007

We're Back!

So, I really really thought that being off work for 8 weeks was going to be a breeze and I would be able to keep everyone up to date on Hayes and his progress online. As it turns out, checking my email was hard enough, let alone uploading pictures, writing blog entries, and then including pictures. Doing all of that one-handed is really tough. And let's be honest, we all knew I was doing most of my blogging at work anyway. So here I am again - I went back to work last Monday and finally have all the pictures from the camera on the computer. I am even starting to organize them on Shutterfly. Yea for me! Here are two of the pictures we have took of Hayes last week. He has started smiling and open mouth, "silent" laughing if such a thing exists. His favorite thing to do right now is play in this little jungle gym.