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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sugar Test In Time For Valentine's Day

To answer the second most common question I get after "When are you due?," last Tuesday was my glucose screening test. I went into the lab at 7am (very very early for me) so that I wasn't tempted to snack before hand. I was there with pretty much the entire senior citizen population of Fair Oaks. The glucose challenge screening test screens for development of gestational diabetes. When I checked in, I got a bottle of "lemon-lime" sugar drink that looked like Scope mouthwash in a tonic water bottle. It actually did not taste nearly as bad as I thought it would and it was the consistency of water. Then, after an hour of quietly dictating letters to clients in the waiting room (I sort of felt like a spy or something), I had blood drawn. The test itself wasn't so bad, but I think the drink made me feel sick to my stomach the rest of the day.
The second part of the test was on Friday, and this time I got an orange drink with twice the amount of sugar. It tasted EXACTLY like Triaminic. I had my blood drawn four times in three hours with that test. Fortunately, everything came back normal which means I will get to have some Valentine's Day candy. Yea!