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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's a Reid!

This is a new blog I am starting under heavy pressure from my friend Madeline, a superblogger. I am still not sure how I feel about writing personal stuff and having it out there on the web, so please, no complaints, no making fun, or correcting my grammar, or I just might shut down! I am starting this blog after receiving today two friends' mass emails of baby pictures. To all of you who send those out, DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I love seeing your baby pictures! Please do not take me off your email lists. But, I now have logins on several different photo websites and usually I can't remember my login and passwords for each. For the photos that don't require logins, I have weird software now installed on my work computer. Whoops.

In any event, I figure that this way, you can all find out what is going on with Baby Reid when you feel like it. Please note, my first choice for a blog was However, that was taken. I have therefore chosen to call the blog, "It's a Reid!" because I cannot call it "It's a Boy!" or "It's a Girl!" As many of you know, Tom and I will not be finding out if Baby Reid is a boy or a girl. If that makes you unhappy, say, for example, you don't like using the pronoun "it," talk to Tom. (Or the rest of my family and his family except for my brother-in-law Kevin who was on my side on this one.) I have set up the blog so that Tom can post, too, should he want to try it out. Maybe he will defend his position there.

You may ask why I am starting now when Baby Reid's due date is April 30. My answer: I think I'm going to need a lot of practice. Plus, I can update you on pregnancy status between now and then. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't read before the baby, though.

I have set this up so that only those who I invite can view the blog. If you think someone may be interested, please let me know by sending me their email addresses. Thanks!


Madeline said...

Thank you for calling me a superblogger. I am glad I was able to participate in some little part of Baby Reid's story!

Anonymous said...

Put another vote on Kevin's side! I think it is just as exciting if you find out ahead of time... plus you can shop more! :) Well... maybe that doesn't help the argument... Give baby reid a pat on the tummy for me!